Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is your skin care routine?

what is your skin care routine and how do you keep you skin clear? i have trouble with acne and dry skin (worste possible conbination ) and what skin care products would you recomend?What is your skin care routine?
I have gone to lots of skin drs. and spent so much money and nothing worked except only lots of water, plus eating raw fresh fruits and veggies and avoiding harsh soaps and lotions. I truly have found I must eliminate the yummy things from my diet, like chocolate and white breads and cakes. I wash my face with aveeno oatmeal powder and warm water - I make a mask to let it dry and take off with warm water. I can't believe how amazing Pepto Bismal works for me. I am fair and sensitive skinned worse than anyone I know and I ridded my entire face of every blemish with Pepto Bismal. It has salicylic acid which is in acne creams but for some reason it doesn't aggravate it really heals. I don't drink it, I put it on like its an overnight repair lotion and it smells so good. It won't dry your skin like alot of skin creams since It is edible. it doesn't have alcohol in it I don't think. Avoid alcohol and benzoyl peroxide if you have dry skin.What is your skin care routine?
i use, it's great for all skin types. it's salicylic acid and sodium chlorite not benzoyl peroxide so it won't make your face any drier or make it peel.
i have them same issue i wash my face every night with aveno clear completion and then i use a toner and finish up with a moisturizer that is made for people with acne, this works really well for me i get lots of compliments on my skin
I use Burt's Bees deep cleansing facial scrub once a day. Then i use my bareminerals skin rever- upper face lotion.
Tea tree oil

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