Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If I want to be a skin care specialist, do I go to a cosmetology school or an esthetician school?

I'm a little confuse....If I want to be a skin care specialist, do I go to a cosmetology school or an esthetician school?
esthetician - However many cosmetology schools offer an esthetician program too. Below is an example of one of those schools.

1 comment:

  1. There are several things to consider when choosing a school. You’ll want to consider whether they’re accredited and reputable, whether you meet their entrance requirements, their flexibility of scheduling, whether they have a student salon or clinic to get hands-on training at, if they have career placement services, etc. It’s always wise to chat with some former and current students of the school, and do a tour to make sure you like the campus.

    Here are two links you may find helpful. They describe the main differences between cosmetology and esthetics:

    Hope this helps!


thin skin